From the Dark Continent, to the Splendour of the world.

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Mabadiliko is Swahili for Transformation.

About Us



This initiative is a ‘seed’ born out of a need to influence transformation from an Africa labeled the ‘Dark Continent’ to an Africa which is ‘The Splendour of the World.’

Africa Rising

Many Africans would agree that we have great potential and that we can and must do better.  History is replete with examples of African centres of power, industry, learning and worldwide influence though in most cases the Continent has not been credited as the source of such power and influence.


Until the advent of the UNESCO’s “General History of Africa” project, (Phase 1 of which was completed in 1999), Africa’s contribution to the world’s progress and socio-economic development could only be viewed mainly through tainted lenses that refuted our potential.

The effects of slavery, colonization and the ‘partitioning’ of Africa, on our progress cannot be downplayed. Racial stereotyping and political and economic enslavement have left negative marks that have transcended many generations.


With the surge of independent African states in the 1960’s came the concept of ‘African Renaissance’ and with it, several and varied initiatives by individuals, groups and countries, aimed at enabling Africa to overcome its challenges and achieve renewal and progression on all fronts.  Can these initiatives be sustained and are they applicable to a global Africa?  We nowadays hear the buzz phrase ‘Africa Rising’ but when is it going to rise, how is it going to rise, and what will it rise to become?


The ‘Mabadiliko journey’ starts with a success story in mind i.e. a continent that the world is drawn to for inspiration and solutions – The Splendour of the World. It then looks backward to suggest reasons why we are in our current position of poverty and mediocrity when we own most of the world’s resources, material and human.  Mabadiliko examines current and popular initiatives that could lead to this end result and eventually suggests a practical pathway for global Africa to effect the identified transformation.  This recommended pathway will evolve into a model that will be tested and the results of the testing will indicate the scale of resources and support structures needed for the ‘seed’ to bear fruit.

Individuals, Institutions, Governments and entities with the same or similar vision are encouraged to become partners or associates in making sure we transition from the many mere thoughts, discussions and intentions on change in Africa to concretized plans and effective execution.



The Journey


Strategic Foundations



“As Africans we need to share common recognition that all of us stand to lose if we fail to transform our continent.”

Thabo Mbeki


The Journey

As we embark on this journey of transformation, we invite all like-minded people to be a part of it and provide input, support, resources and expertise in any way, shape of form. If you have ever thought of a ‘new’ Africa, we envisage this to be your vehicle of choice, through which your energies can be channeled.

For those who don’t want to actively get involved, just following this journey will have a great impact on you as you will be ‘educated’ and thus become an ‘informed and influential’ part of the ‘new’ Africa.


We Invite you to join us on this journey.

Become a contributor

This website is a work in progress and will grow and develop as our interactions deepen, our focus is clarified, our resources increase and our efforts bear fruit.

We are not about merely providing information, the key question will always be ‘now that we know, how do we move this forward?’

Action Plans and consistent reviews will be the hallmark of all that we do.

This will be an exciting and fulfilling journey for all of us, as we disrupt the status quo from the ground up and build what we want to see and become.

Come join this journey and experience ‘The Narrative’, the story that will challenge and change you, the story of Africa’s transformation in this generation.


The Narrative

1. Genesis

2. Interference

3. Challenges

4. Solutions

5. Significance

6. Mindset

7. Intention

8. Implementation

Our starting point GENESIS puts us all on the same page about our origins and what ancient Africans achieved. There are unfortunate Chapters of external influences in our history which we believe had negative impacts on our development causing an INTERFERENCE with our forward movement as a continent and a people. These should be distinguished from the CHALLENGES we currently face which may be internal and or environmental in nature. Are there any SOLUTIONS to the ‘Interference’ or the ‘Challenges’ and are they working? These working solutions must be heralded but we would also like to ‘blow our horn’ about SIGNIFICANT WORLD CONTRIBUTIONS by Africans. The ‘storyline’ will then bring us to what we believe should be the ultimate solution that will ‘Transform Africa’ into the ‘Continent of Choice’ in the world which is a CHANGE IN MINDSET. The INTENTION will detail HOW this change will eventually be effected  and IMPLEMENTATION will detail transformation successes.


Strategic Foundations


‘Africa - The Splendour of the World.’ Our brilliance recognised globally and evidenced by abundant natural resources, moral uprightness, advancement in science and technology, deep knowledge, spirituality and a zest for life exhibited through the Arts, Culture and Sports.


Facilitate evolution in Africans - and by extension Africa - through mind transforming processes, technologies, methodologies and projects to achieve the Vision.



We believe in;
Botho (humanness)
Not taking another
human for granted.

Hard work
Utilizing all our
faculties to effectively and efficiently produce work.

High moral uprightness
and nobility.

No longer being fooled
because we don’t know.

Reliance on support
structures that enable as achieve more,  faster.

(all the above are basic values you will find at the grass roots of most African communities)

“Our children may learn about heroes of the past. Our task is to make ourselves architects of the future”

Jomo Kenyatta



Odarkwei Bannerman

Odarkwei has successfully managed various organisations. Odarkwei’s forte is to bring order out of chaos.

Accredited Trainer, Public Speaker

Distinguished Toastmaster

Management Consultant

Strategic Management, Performance Management, Management & Organization Development.

Life Coach

Purpose, Finances, Spirituality
“Humans originated from Africa, minerals are here , agricultural land is mainly here, even music is here in our bones, we just need to know how to put it all together”
Odarkwei Bannerman

our team of experts are here for you

important things you should know

Questions And Answers

Africa Madadiliko is a social platform aimed at providing a catalyst for ‘INNER’ revolutionary change that will lead to Transformation of Africans and Africa into a ‘world wide’ spectacle.

It’s based in ‘Cyberspace’. Physical presence will be established in areas, communities or countries where Mabadiliko interaction of any regular form is taking place.

Accurate, thought provoking information that should lead you to take action whether you are typically slow OFF the mark or like a bolt of lightening.

Enlightening education that will make you a wiser African and an Informed and Influential person in the “NEW” Africa.

Various opportunities to use your skills, knowledge, connections and passion in something bigger and greater than you.

An avenue to meet with various Africans across all gender, religion, societal positions, educational levels who have been brought together, for this laudable goal.

No rhetoric, academic dribble, political posturing or any of the things that look and sound good but don’t have a start date or an end point. The main question always being , “now that we know, how do we move this forward?”

You can expect NO NONSENSE! WE are not here to engage in time wasting philosophical arguments. These have gotten us no where so we will focus on discussions and debates that resonate with the Africa we would like to create.

Mabadiliko is a Swahili word depicting Transformation.

Swahili is a Bantu language mixed with Arabic and is widely spoken either as a native dialect or second language throughout East, Central and Southern Africa. It’s the official language of several East African countries.

We chose it because it was easy to pronounce and best described our vision.

YOU ………..the Visionary is  just a  ‘facilitator’ .  Whether you are a well wisher, Professional, Scientist, Thought Leader , Philosopher provided your intentions are in line with our Vision and Mission and you agree with our Transformation model you are in charge of a piece of the action. We are not advocating anarchy and will have operational and administrative guidelines and structures in place that will need to be followed but by and large identify your space plug in and be a change agent.

Friend, Follower, Contributor, Research Fellow , Advisor, Facilitator , Trainer  for whatever part you would like to participate in, register today.