From the Dark Continent, to the Splendour of the world.

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The Narrative





Significant World Contributions

Change in Mindset




Africans generally do not have enough knowledge about their continent and about themselves as a people. The Africa Mabadiliko journey will start with the provision of knowledge and building archives of information that will become a database for us to know the African story rather than hearing it from third parties.

Who are we?

The origins of Africa and its original dwellers.

Mankind started in Africa, so what happened to us?

How Africa got its name.

Is there an indigenous name for Africa or is it Afrika?

Significant Ancient African Kingdoms.

We hear about the Greeks and Romans from Europe, but what about the Kushites and the Nubians?


This is an investigation into what we believe are the main pre-independence interferences that have negatively impacted our progress. Our mission is not to apportion blame and dwell in the past but to understand how these events have influenced us till this day.

The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade

Did slavery exist in Africa before the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade?


How did a free Africa become owned by other people?

Division of Africa

How the 'sharing' of Africa has affected Africa's progress.


Why on earth are we still holding on to archaic educational systems that are not relevant?


What are the current issues facing the continent that are impediments to moving forward?

What are we facing?


What challenges do we have because of our humanness and the earth’s degradation?

Natural / Man Induced

Continent Specific

External Influence

Are there any challenges that are peculiar to Africa and supposing we had been left alone would we be experiencing them?

Internal Creation

What challenges have been caused by our own perceptions and wrong doings? (Tribalism, Nationalism, Religion, Superstition)


We will research current, proven solutions to our known problems and document, ‘working’ success stories, especially those that support the ‘new’ Africa we envisage. These may not be widely recognised with global impact but if ‘an African did it in Africa for the benefit of another African’ – we want to know about it.

What has been/is being done?

Database of African Solutions

Solar Powered Water Supply

Organisation specific

Come fellow African, let’s expose you to inspiring solutions by African organisations. It’s good to know and share…

Individuals & Social groups

The achievements of individuals and community or social groups will be separately identified because they normally require support and this database will provide the exposure they need. So check to see what you can also do to help.
Low Cost Housing

Significant world contributions

As Africans, we need to know the contributions we have made to the development of humankind. These will be included in our database and we will advocate for them to be widely heralded and utilized in the continent

What do we have to offer as Africans?

8 Pillars of Influence.

What are these pillars and what are the international successes achieved by Africans that we don’t know about?

Change in Mindset

We believe the greatest catalyst for Africa’s transformation is ‘a change in mindset’. Our drive will be to locate adequate technologies and methodologies that can be quickly implemented across the continent regardless of culture, tradition or North / South /East / West idiosyncrasies.

Our proposition will be subjected to a process of scrutiny, and peer review by those who have joined our journey and have specialised contributions to make.

If along the journey we are convinced to change our intention and direction, so be it.

What is our transformation model?

Read: Change in mindset.

Rationale behind the approach

There are multiple problems, why do we think mindset change will enable us deal with them?

Psychological basis for mind-set change

What are the experts saying about the mind and its importance? Should we be brain washed, hypnotised … or what?

Mindset change and transformation successes

What is the evidence that change in mindset has been beneficial to individuals, communities and countries?

Effectiveness in achieving the vision

Having gone through everything, are we still sure of our story? What’s your take on it?


We will create a model for the identified solution backed by tried and tested change strategies and design an approach which can be easily implemented.

How do we proceed towards transformation?

The Transformation Model

Together we will build this model with the support of experts and we will all be impacted by the journey. We kid you not. This is change in motion. How will we adapt for youth, entrepreneurs, societies, nations? .

Business Plan

Developing the framework that will take this model to individuals and across Africa. If we fail to plan we plan to fail. Note this is for “we”! GOALS; Objectives, Strategies, Action Plans all subjected to Assessment, Evaluation and Peer Review. Your input all the way. Anticipate implementation challenges and plan responses. Develop implementation strategies, systems and structures.


The models will initially be tested as pilot projects and, after reviewing practical difficulties and correction, these models will be efficiently implemented according to agreed timelines.

How will we do it?

Pilot projects

You will have reality TV on your door step. Every step will be documented for posterity. This is history in the making and you will be a part of it.

Project Reports

Documentation of challenges and successful outcomes.

Publicity & Advocacy

We are all going to make noise about this so everyone wakes up.

Develop resource Partnerships

Who else can we get involved so we can gather momentum?

Next level

This is now excitement all the way. We expand as per our plan and see change unfold before our eyes. Ok, maybe not overnight but it’s a worthwhile journey, not so?

What's going on now?

If you are seeing this, it must mean the team is still busy working on some content for your sake.

Stick around and explore the rest of our website.

Journey to a Transformed Africa

What it's all About

Mabadiliko is Swahili for transformation. We invite you to undertake a journey of transformation with us, until WE arrive at the new Africa - the SPLENDOUR OF THE WORLD.
The storyline or NARRATIVE for this journey is the essence of AFRICA MABADILIKO: how a continent of spectacular ancient Kingdoms was set back by Interference and Challenges; in spite of which Solutions and Significance have been achieved.
The Transformation model which we will evolve by Intention will be efficiently implemented until our vision is achieved and SPLENDOURis unveiled. Come let's journey together.


Read, Learn, Contribute, Share


“Humans originated from Africa, minerals are here , agricultural land is mainly here, even music is here in our bones, we just need to know how to put it all together”

Do you want to see Africa change?