From the Dark Continent, to the Splendour of the world.

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From the ‘Dark Continent’ to the ‘Splendour of the World’. Does that not seem like too giant a leap in transition? We think it’s not and that it would only be an impossibly big leap if our view was that Africa and Africans have not been doing anything ‘significant’ over the years.

We most certainly have ‘significance, the problem is with the recording and reporting of such where Africa is concerned. There is a lot of noise made about the occasional Nobel Prize winner or occasional appointment to an international position. The emphasis is on ‘occasional’ because since we don’t hear about these significant things often, we also assume, consistent with the ‘world view,’ that nothing good comes out of Africa. We ourselves are even surprised when something significant happens in Africa!

Wait a minute … I forgot … there is sports, culture and music. That’s what ‘they’ would like us to be known for; African players in the European Leagues, exotic looking hair styles, bright cloth made into ‘interesting designs’ and the ‘rhythm in our bones’.

We unfortunately have lazy journalists and editors of newspapers who forget that part of their responsibility is to inform and educate. Publications specifically related to the person or event of significance will provide information – but mainstream media goes ‘mum’ so most Africans might never know about happenings even in their backyard unless your ‘country man becomes US President’!

We will be providing a Database of significant people and events and will scanning extensively to catch ‘significance’ hopefully soon after it happens and before it fades into obscurity.

Those of you who want business ideas, projects to invest in, innovative solutions in industry, tech revolutions or generally things to applaud and make you proud as an African – this will be your ‘hub’.

We will concentrate on the 7 Pillars of Influence in Society also known as the
7 Mountains of Influence or 7 spheres of Society as listed below.

The items in brackets have been modified by ourselves and we have included Infrastructure and Resources to make them 8.

It is not very clear where these 7 originated from but secular and religious pundits are unanimous in their view that control over these areas is tantamount to ultimate control.

So why look at these 7 areas (plus our no. 8)?
Africa’s significant contribution in these areas must be documented and encouraged since as we growth in these areas means greater control over our development and consequently greater charge of our own future. Inevitably, our impact will be felt globally. Those who have been following the trends will know the ‘truth’ about where the global influence is coming from and be better placed to be conduits of ‘enlightenment’ rather than sources of abuse of power, subjugation and subterfuge.

Lets start with two somewhat obscure ones to whet your appetite…



DEVELOPMENT TEAM BEHIND THE PROJECT JULY 2017 – Ghana successfully launched a satellite into space CATEGORY Science and technology NATIONALITY Ghanaian SIGNIFICANCE GhanaSat-1, which was

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NAME: Arthur Adzaba Marc Zang NATIONALITY Cameroonian SIGNIFICANCE In 2010, this Cameroonian engineer (currently aged 26) invented a touch screen medical tablet which enables heart

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