From the Dark Continent, to the Splendour of the world.

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Africa is the cradle of mankind from where some humans migrated, establishing civilizations worldwide. Those that remained, developed societies and technologies that influenced the people they interacted with. How then did we get to our current state of apparent mediocrity? Do we deserve the unflattering accolade of the ‘Dark Continent’ or is it just a misnomer designed to cast a permanently negative aspersion on us?

If we are to ‘Transition’ and rise above this ‘Dark Continent’ status we need to know who we really are and understand the issues that have adversely affected us – the ‘Interference’. Understanding how they came about is a good first step in the process of defining what to do about them so they don’t ‘interfere’ with our future progress.

These issues are many but we will narrow our focus down to those that are often discussed in the public domain and as such may be considered the most important, namely:
  1. The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

  2. Colonisation

  3. The Division of Africa

  4. Our Education
These may each be the subject of several blogs due to the copious information available but what we want to find out primarily is:
  1. what existed before the ‘interference’
  2. how and why the ‘interference’ developed
  3. the role Africa and Africans played
  4. what could have been done to stop it
  5. the long-term effects on Africa and its people

Our starting point is therefore; THE TRANS-ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE (TAST)

We are specifically dealing with the period from the 16th to the 19th century, when Africans were debased to the level of being considered less than human beings. This was so that they could be traded as goods without a moral check on the consciences of the perpetuators.

Let’s get on with it ……