From the Dark Continent, to the Splendour of the world.

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Challenges in project implementation

Kaplan and Norton the proponents of The Balanced Score Card (a management performance methodology) have intimated that 60-90% of strategic implementation fails. Although these figures have not been proven, implementation failure is an issue – but not an insurmountable one.

IN 2013 during the formation of the current African Union (AU) it was decided not to hand over a conflict ridden future to our future generations. Therefore a ‘silence the guns initiative’ was set up to end all conflicts by 2020.  A laudable initiative but we are in 2021 and it has not been achieved.

Did they consider all the challenges, both real and imagined (it has been said that perception  is reality), were all involved and committed to see this initiative succeed or was there mere lip service in order to go with the flow ? Was the timing ambitious, were all ramifications considered, was the initiative well thought through and planned for, were all necessary resources made available, were there regular reviews during the period 2013 to 2020 to ensure the initiative was on track… and if not, were corrective measure taken, of the right magnitude and in a timely manner?

These are some of the issues that contribute to implementation failure and any good management team should consider these before and during the implementation.  Implementation should follow these well-rehearsed outcomes:

  • Good and well resourced plan
  • Efficient execution
  • Effective monitoring and evaluation
  • Excellent remedial action


These are the components of successful implementation that will be considered to ensure our ‘Intention’ comes to pass.

Anticipated Problems


Who are these people, where are they from and what do they really want? These are obvious questions to be raised.

Some may even think this another ‘western subterfuge plot’.

Now for us to talk about technology to change the mind … hooooo… now we want to brain wash people and steal their land and cattle…….. far fetched ? I think not.

Inadequate resources;

We will need not only the quantum of resources but also the quality. We are going to need specialists to examine people, collate results, do appropriate research and document it in a credible manner. Just that part of obtaining empirical information is mind boggling in itself.

Inappropriate timelines;

When does one project end and another start, what about the different seasons in Africa, religious holidays , public holidays – it goes on and on. But all these will have to be taken account of for successful Implementation.


Yes Hijacking! Not people physically visiting projects with guns (mind you this is how political activists are attacked, not so?) I’m talking about hijacking the projects for political gain or self-aggrandizement. I am African and until this transformation process is completed I leave no stone unturned.


Armed intervention or any sort of sabotage either influenced by foreign powers or conglomerates or even local people, groups, power blocks, tribes who stand to profit from an unenlightened people who have hitherto not known the benefits of independence, expansionist thinking. With a changed mind set these will no longer be economic fodder.


To counter Lack of Implementation challenges and the anticipated problems we would:

  • Break down the whole Transformation Process into piecemeal projects and achieve identified successes before we progress
  • Ensure the successes are well publicised and spoken about in the right places (i.e. a comprehensive PR / Communication Strategy)
  • Ensure we partner with credible Professionals and Organisations.
Pilot Project Strategies to enhance implementation

Implementation Process

Pilot Projects (Short term)

We anticipate that the first stage of this process is going
to take 7 years solely with our intervention.

Community Projects (Medium term)

The next 7 years would be advocates and proponents starting
a ‘social revolution’.

Sector / National Projects (Long term)

In thethird stage or from year 15 onwards, governments and
nations should be taking the initiative over and ‘domesticating’ the model and
its refinements.

Unlike the other parts of the ‘Narrative’ the Implementation Blog will only come to life as we document the actual Implementation process and take you with us on that journey.


We will start with the planning process, culminating in the formulation of a BUSINESS PLAN. This we envisage will commence in 2022 so for now, get involved with other parts of the Narrative and enjoy the transformation journey, get transformed and transform others – Africa Mabadiliko! 

Long Term Implementation Process