From the Dark Continent, to the Splendour of the world.

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We believe Africa can be transformed.
We believe it will, and it must not just be a transformation but a repositioning that puts Africa in a position of global dominance.
Dominance not to subdue, control or subjugate but to freely contribute to humanity because we are magnanimous beings who have been taught and driven to become worse than what we truly are. Africa has a lot to give and a lot to teach.
As Africans, we will first sort ourselves out and when others see what we have become, they will have no choice but to come and have first-hand experience.


Philosophies & Beliefs which direct our Intention

Africa’s problems must be solved by Africans.
Africans must inspire and empower other Africans.
Over-dependency on external help, in whatever form will only re-enforce apathy and lack of creativity.
Education is merely a foundation to enable the ability to add value to others, not the skill to become an economic parasite.
We will redefine ourselves by our productivity and success not by empty rhetoric.
Africans can and will make a positive contribution to the world’s development.
All continents have had their time; Africa’s time is now.
There is no superior race; effective use of resources and efficient use of time gives the semblance of superiority but history has proven “’superiority’ to be temporary. Hmm, deep eh?

Yes oh ……. you may add your own thoughts but its time we all looked at ourselves differently.

Bringing intentions to life

According to ‘intention’ is an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.  It is also the end or object intended; the purpose.

The first step in ‘Intentioning’, (a coined phrase describing the process of determining an Intention) therefore is to be very clear in one’s mind what the desired end result is and why. Having clarity of thought alone will not create the end result, one must then ‘put legs to the thoughts’ meaning, define the steps that have to be taken to give ’life’ to the Intention. As one takes steps towards realizing the intention, one’s thinking, speech and attitude must be that of someone who has already arrived at the intended destination.

Like someone said “fake it till you make it!”

In this blog we clarify what we believe should be the key solution for our transformation and will keep reinforcing it so it’s in the fore-front of all our minds.

People imbibe information in different ways so we will endeavour to share information in as many ways as possible to accommodate all learning styles. This will help  keep the end result in all our minds and thoughts e.g. via Text, Video, Discussions/dialogue, Exercises, to name a few.

The more people who share ideas and the more we discuss topics in this Narrative, the more informed (or should we say ‘Africa-Educated’?) we all become. Once we reach a critical mass, Africa Mabadiliko will be impossible to ignore.

4 Learning Styles Diagram by Artellia

We will be putting together our BUSINESS PLAN in this part of the Narrative so we can all be part of the process as we take this transformation process to you – the African people.

The Intention will then dove-tail with Implementation as a logical progression.

We will also use this as the forum for development of the MODEL for changing the mindset and how we intend to replicate it.

Stay tuned and lets take this important journey TOGETHER