From the Dark Continent, to the Splendour of the world.

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Africa’s development has been interrupted by events that happened in the past and is being thwarted by challenges we are facing currently.
These have been recognized in the relevant parts of the Narrative.

Despite the interruptions and challenges we need to be a people who are able to move past our obstacles, instead of blaming others, crying foul and being stunned into inactivity. As part of the quest for Transformation we will need to develop a steely resolve to solve our own problems. Solving our own problems is a stamp of maturity and we certainly have all the resources needed to attend to our problems. But we seem to have become accustomed to running to ‘Big Brother’ for help at the slightest sign of trouble.
We are also aware that some of the ‘obstacles’ have been put there by ‘Big Brother’ to ensure we continue to be dependent so, let’s wise up and push forward. Here is a powerful example of how it’s been done elsewhere:

For many years, Malaysia has had a policy to write into any project contract where externally sourced expertise is needed that:
1. There will be a Malaysian sub-contractor involved (properly qualified, experienced and well resourced; not the President’s nephew who knows nothing about the industry) and that there will be adequate knowledge transfer.
2. The subsequent project will be run by the Malaysian company with Malaysian sub-contactors, Supervision and consulting expertise are provided by the external Company.

You can well imagine the experience that has been built up as a result of this policy. Of course, the President’s nephew is welcome to be involved, but only if he is serious about working hard to bring solutions and not just ‘eating’ money and growing fat. I digress however – as we are here to talk about solutions.

We all agree Africa is not where it is supposed to be (unless of course you are one of those profiting from the current condition of Africa). However, we do acknowledge and applaud those who are trying to bring solutions, including


AGENDA 20631 (1)
This is Africa’s blueprint and master plan for transforming Africa into the global powerhouse of the future. WOW! Global powerhouse of the future ……so we should invite them to join Mabadiliko!
It’s good to know the AU is talking Transformation. We need to understand how they plan to go about it and how we can create synergy.
This shows you there is definitely a wind of change blowing across the continent and you would do well to ‘go with the flow’.

Agenda 2063 encapsulates not only Africa’s Aspirations for the Future but also identifies Key Flagship Programmes which can boost Africa’s economic growth and development and lead to the rapid transformation of the continent.

The Programmes encompass, amongst other areas, infrastructure, education, science, technology, arts and culture as well as initiatives to secure peace on the continent. These are supposed to be implemented by 2023, the end of the First Ten Years of Agenda 2063.

1. Integrated high speed train network
2. Formulation of an African commodities strategy
3. Establishment of the African continental free trade area (afcfta)
4. The African passport and free movement of people
5. Silencing the guns by 2020
6. Implementation of the grand inga dam project
7. Establishment of a single African air-transport market (saatm)
8. Establishment of an annual African economic forum
9. Establishment of the African financial institutions
10. The pan-African e-network
11. Africa outer space strategy
12. An African virtual and e-university
13. Cyber security
14. Great African museum
15. Encyclopaedia Africana

As Africans we must know what the AU is planning and how the initiatives and programmes will achieve AU aspirations and in turn transform our lives and the continent. Most of us have dismissed the AU as that organization that is always talking but achieves nothing. On paper the aspirations, if achieved, will change the face of Africa, so we need to recognize the synergies with Mabadiliko and encourage co-operation to our mutual benefit – after all, we are all Africans.


The African Renaissance is the concept that the African people shall overcome the current challenges confronting the continent and achieve cultural, scientific, and economic renewal.  Introduced by former South African President Thabo Mbeki in 1997, it is an attempt to galvanise Africa’s intelligentsia to advance development agendas that will promote Africa’s competitiveness in a global world for the benefit of the masses. Though reported as  introduced by Thabo Mbeki, this is arguable because it is said that this Renaissance started during the 1960s,the age of African liberation.

Many research and academic papers have been written about African Renaissance and globalization but we are yet to see a crafted solution towards the ideals which this Renaissance stands for.

We will be featuring and sharing many solutions of all sorts, provided they are from Africans for Africa. If you are ‘African Solution’ oriented, this is your go-to place. 


